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Bystolic vs Metoprolol

They identified 11 randomized trials that directly compared carvedilol with bystolic of the other beta-blockers -- three in acute MI and eight in systolic heart failure populations. Compared with other beta-blockers, carvedilol may lead to better outcomes in patients with heart failure topshop allegra black chelsea platform heel acute myocardial infarction, a meta-analysis showed. Carvedilol has been shown to have antiarrhythmic effects that are not as pronounced with the other agents, which "would potentially lead to better reductions metoprolol sudden cardiac death and all-cause mortality in patients with acute MIs and those with heart failure," they wrote. From the American Heart Association: DiNicolantonio and colleagues noted several potential mechanisms to explain the improvement in outcomes observed with carvedilol compared with the beta 1 selective beta-blockers. The trials included a total of 5, patients median of patients per trial. In addition, they wrote, "improvements in ejection fraction, symptomatic functional class, stroke volume, stroke work, cardiac output, insulin sensitivity, and adrenergic activity with carvedilol, bystolic compared to metoprolol, along with a potential increase in the risk for death with beta 1 selective beta-blockers if strict compliance is not followed, all may contribute to the overall morbidity and mortality benefits noted with carvedilol compared with beta 1 selective beta-blockers. Some limitations of the analysis noted by the researchers included the fact that not all of the trials were double-blind, the relatively small patient numbers in almost all of the trials, and the variation in dosing across the studies. Action Points Carvedilol is superior to other beta-1 selective beta-blockers in terms of all-cause mortality among patients with heart failure, according to this meta-analysis. A similar reduction was seen among patients with acute MI in a fixed-effects model RR 0. Be aware that the results of the meta-analysis were heavily driven by one large trial in each of the two patient subgroups compared. The largest trial was the 3,patient COMET, which compared carvedilol and metoprolol in patients with heart failure. Because carvedilol has been shown to have "pleiotropic effects antioxidant and vasodilatingwhich are not shared by the commonly prescribed beta 1 selective beta-blockers," the researchers performed a systematic review and meta-analysis to explore whether carvedilol results in superior outcomes compared several of those types of drugs, including atenolol, bisoprolol, metoprolol, and nebivolol Bystolic. Through a median follow-up of 12 months, although carvedilol significantly reduced all-cause mortality, it did not reduce heart failure readmissions RR 0. In pooled results, bystolic compared to metoprolol, including those from the COMET trial, carvedilol significantly reduced all-cause mortality in patients with heart failure compared hydrocodone acetaminophen 7.5-750 high several beta 1 selective beta-blockers

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